The dark side of cruises: 5 reasons not to go


Cruises are a fairy tale, but they also have a dark side. Find out what's wrong with them!

1. Expensive

It is not always possible to find a cheap cruise, especially in high season and if your vacation is strictly fixed. In addition, the associated costs are high: air tickets and visas.

But if you try very hard, then buying a cheap cruise is not a problem. My advice will help you:

2. Noisy and crowded

Yes, alas, it will be so everywhere, except in your cabin. Cruise liners do not run half empty, they are loaded at maximum speed. The queues in the buffet and fitness room, the noise in the restaurant at dinner, the jacuzzi is always busy, and you will have to look for a free sunbed.

3. Do you like to drink

Alcohol is the only vital human need that is not included in the cruise price. If you cannot imagine your vacation without alcohol, you will have to spend money.

On the cruise, we spent 10,000 rubles on wine for dinner at a restaurant. A decent amount for 7 bottles of plain wine without high ratings and complex notes.

However, there is a way out! Read my smuggler tips.

4. The figure under threat

If you follow the figure, but cannot resist the temptations, then it is dangerous for you to enter the liner. On cruises, the food is very tasty, and the choice of interesting food is overwhelming. Try to limit yourself under such conditions! This is simply not possible. So keep in mind: from cruises, everyone brings extra pounds with them.

5. Little time for a walk

One day is not always enough, and even more than half for exploring a city or an island. When you travel on your own, you are free to stay in some place for two, three or more days. On a cruise, the parking time is always strictly limited. And if you're not lucky with the weather, you won't be able to see anything at all. We were unlucky with the weather in many places, but the showers in Martinique and Guadeloupe especially interfered. For the sake of volcanoes on these islands, we even rented a car for a day, but we could not climb them because of the weather.


I hope you are not afraid of these problems! These are all little things. A cruise is a great vacation and a pleasant journey. Do not attach much importance to the indicated disadvantages, because the advantages overlap them with interest.

See for yourself: 9 reasons to go on a cruise.
