Taste: 14 of the Tastiest Travel Drinks


The most delicious drinks from around the world, which we love and advise you to try. Take note!

We love to taste and "collect" drinks - it's delicious and exciting. In many countries we have visited, we have a favorite drink that is strongly associated with the country and for the sake of which we sometimes desperately want to return! We cook some at home or while traveling, if possible. Do you have your favorite drinks abroad?

Moroccan tea

The Tuaregs know their business: sugary-sweet hot mint tea, oddly enough, is the best way to quench your thirst. Black tea with a few sprigs of mint and sugar is brewed in a teapot or glass. The result is an incredibly aromatic and refreshing drink. We make this tea as soon as we can get some mint.

Sangria in Spain

In Spain, try chilled sangria with fresh fruit to round off a hot day. Tinto de verano, "summer wine" - a lighter version of sangria. There is a lot of ice, so the drink is not as rich and heady as sangria. In winter, sangria, like mulled wine, is drunk hot.

Orange wine in Andalusia

Vino de naranja, or orange wine, captivated us from the first sip with its rich sweet taste and viscous texture. This is sherry, and you can find it in Anlalusia, in particular in Cordoba.

Cherry punch in Prague

We tried it at the Christmas market in Prague. Sweet and slightly spicy, with a pronounced cherry flavor. It is sold hot and keeps you warm in cold weather. Take a couple of sips - blush and good mood will appear right away!

Vietnamese coffee

The drink is unforgettable - just for the sake of it you want to return to Vietnam. This coffee wants to sing an ode - it is so delicious. It can be with and without condensed milk. White coffee is usually too sweet, but thanks to condensed milk it gets a thick consistency. Caution: Because of the robusta beans, people who are not used to strong coffee can have side effects. We do not recommend drinking more than twice a day.

Egg coffee in Hanoi

It would seem, is it really possible to make Vietnamese coffee even more delicious? It turned out that you can. Egg coffee with an insanely delicate texture was invented in the north of Vietnam. We found him in Hanoi, in the inconspicuous Giang Cafe, the entrance to which is more like a slot. They bring it hot in a tiny cup, which is placed in a bowl of hot water. Egg coffee tastes like tiramisu.

"Commandaria" in Cyprus

Spicy sweetness in every sip. A thick, viscous wine, it can be stretched for hours. "Commandaria" was invented by medieval knights in Cyprus - we recommend you try it.

Almond milk in Hong Kong and Malaysia

The Chinese have a wonderful almond milk drink. Incredibly delicious and nutritious, can satisfy mild hunger. The milk has a creamy texture with a characteristic marzipan flavor. It can be hot and cold. Hot tastes better and warms well. Cold, due to the large amount of ice, it turns out to be very diluted and loses its creaminess.

Pomegranate juice in Istanbul

Istanbul is full of colorful pomegranate stalls. Freshly squeezed pomegranate juice is made from them - its taste will amaze you. This is not at all the juice that is sold in bottles and tetra-packs - not even remotely similar.

Orange juice in Morocco

What is so striking about orange juice, you say? But if you have not tried fresh juice in Morocco, consider that you have never tasted real orange juice. The citrus fruits there are so juicy and sweet that the taste is etched into the memory for a long time.

Kalmyk tea

We tried unusual tea in Kalmykia and Altai. It is specific and not everyone will like it: strong black tea is brewed, then milk, butter and salt are added to it. Very satisfying, well complements heavy meat dishes.

Creamy and chocolate lemonade in Tbilisi

Unexpectedly for us, the discovery in Georgia was not wine, but lemonade! Unusual tastes, as if from a distant childhood - creamy and chocolate (similar to old chocolate ice cream in waffle cups). Good both in the "Lagidze Waters" cafe and in plastic bottles in the supermarket. Feel free to try and take home!

Another find in Tbilisi is the author's cheese coffee in the Martian cafe "Utskho" (Lado Asatiani, 34). The place is small but popular. Found it by accident when walking around Sololaki. The hostess keeps the recipe secret. The taste is pronounced cheesy.
