How to save money if you miss your plane


I remember how long I searched various sites for information on how to fly if I missed my plane, and how to save money at the same time.

Such an incident happened to me in Istanbul. My friends and I had 8 free transfer hours at the airport. I decided to take advantage of this and see the city. We had a great time, but when we arrived at Ataturk Airport about an hour before the flight, we got into a huge queue. After standing practically on the spot for about fifteen minutes, I realized that this would not work, took my friends by the hand, tickets and with the words "We are late" squeezed to the metal detector. As a result, we were on the flight in 10 minutes, and we were somehow let into the plane. But what if you are completely late and you start to panic?

The first thing that is required of you - it is to calm down and pull yourself together. If you have only 5-10 minutes left and there is a long queue ahead, most airports have special counters for those who are late. Although you can repeat my experience. Believe me, the option is working.

I will tell you a secret - no matter what date and time are on your ticket, you will still be put on the next flight, or, in case of a lack of seats, on the plane of a competing company. And you won't incur any costs. This is what Western airlines usually do, fighting for every passenger. Naturally, it will be more difficult with ours. It all depends on which ticket you have. If it is bought in first or business class, then there will be no problems. But if the ticket is for a promotion or special offer, then you may have to pay a fine. It all depends on the specific airline. Sometimes, at the request of the passenger, he can be transferred from economy to business class for free. I even saw the failure statistics on some forum.

If the transfer was carried out at the airport, the luggage is already on the plane, and you are a little late, then the plane will wait for you.

Attention! Many experienced travelers deliberately miss their flight when there is too little time for connecting. Employees of the company grumpily book them a flight later, and they have time to walk around the city.

If tickets are purchased through a travel agency, then all issues must be resolved through them.

If an airline or airport has an unforeseen situation, for example, related to weather conditions and a delay in the plane, then you will be warned by SMS or e-mail. So on the day of departure, be sure to check your mail, especially if you registered and bought a ticket online.

It often happens that if you are the last to arrive on the plane, you may not be allowed on it due to lack of seats. This can happen if you check in late for your flight. I advise you to do it online. Recently, most companies support this feature.

If you have not received your luggage, be sure to notify the airport staff before leaving. The main thing is to remember that boarding the plane ends 25-30 minutes before take-off and you cannot be late for it. Otherwise, you will most likely not be allowed on board.

be careful and, if possible, arrive at the airport in advance, it is recommended 2-3 hours in advance. Have a nice trip!
